24 April 2011

Easter Dinner

Lovely Easter Dinner: Mutton Racks, Rice, Fresh Salad from Small Potato Farm and a Pinot Noir from Terror Creek Winery.

22 April 2011

Rebuilding the Sheep Sweep - Ewes on Pasture

We've had some problems with the sheep sweep over the years. The sheep have worn a path down the middle and the panels have sunk into the ground. This year we decided to put some gravel down on top of weed block and then use old mine belt to make a more durable surface.

Adding gravel to the sweep area.

More Gravel

We also got the ewes out on some pasture. We still have to do their spring dewormer but this pasture can be grazed before that. The main lambing pastures in the orchard are still too short with not enough grass for the sheep to go there so we started them in the front.

Lots of Happy Sheep!

07 April 2011

More Brush Burning

Next day, still a burn day so we got the brush from the east orchard done.

06 April 2011

Burning Brush

Started to burn the west orchard brush piles today. That's where the ewes will go first for lambing so we need the brush gone.

02 April 2011

Moving Fence Panels

Larry's back to build another section of fence. First task was to remove the welded wire panels that made up the temporary fencing.

He used the brush rake to move the panels.

We built a large stack over by the guest house in front of the shop.