04 September 2009

My Black Thumb Strikes

The second crop from my garden was going to be corn. However this is the sum total of the ears we got.

Most of them are only partially filled with corn kernels.

This is the best of the lot.

I threw away a lot that looked like this.

I noticed that when I was picking them there were lots of earwigs in the tops and the silks looked like they had been eaten before the corn for fertilized. Can anyone who is a better gardener confirm this?


  1. My brother once worked in Kansas as a corn fertilizer - he walked between the rows, shaking the stalks.
    Also, corn needs to be planted in a solid block; long skinny rows don't get fertilized as well. If you have a really tiny plot, you may have to pretend you are breeding special varieties and use a soft clean paintbrush to transfer pollen directly to the silks before the earwigs eat them.

  2. Thanks for the info. Maybe next year.
